ACCOMMODATION (sizes are approximate and for guidance only)
RECESSED ENTRANCE PORCH tiled step, courtesy light, composite part-glazed entrance door to
ENTRANCE HALL double radiator, stairs to landing, under-stairs storage cupboard, wood-effect laminated floor, uPVC double glazed window, wall light point, cupboard housing wall-mounted consumer unit, door to
SITTING ROOM 11`1 x 11`1 plus walk-in double glazed bay window (3.39m x 3.39m), radiator, wood-effect laminated floor, stone-built open fireplace with stone hearth and timber mantle
DINING ROOM 11`1 x 8`8 (3.39m x 2.64m), wood-effect laminated floor, radiator, uPVC double glazed window, built-in shelved double storage cupboard, built-in double adjacent cupboard housing wall-mounted gas-fired boiler for domestic hot water and central heating, door to
KITCHEN 11` x 9`11 (3.36m x 3.03m), double aspect, one and a half bowl sink unit with mixer taps and cupboard below, range of matching cream farmhouse-style wall, base and drawer units with fitted Silestone laminated work surfaces over, built-in four-ring electric hob with fitted stainless steel extractor hood over and electric oven below, recess for fridge / freezer, space and plumbing for washing machine, built-in dishwasher, larder cupboard, part-tiled walls, two uPVC double glazed windows, double radiator, tiled floor, composite stable door to
TIMBER / DOUBLE GLAZED CONSERVATORY 11`11 x 8` (3.65m x 2.44m), double radiator, wood-effect laminated floor, power and light, part-double glazed door to rear garden
BEDROOM 1 (Ground Floor to front) 11`1 x 9`10 plus walk-in double glazed window (3.38m x 3.01m), wood-effect laminated floor, radiator, two built-in double wardrobe cupboards,
BEDROOM 2 (Ground Floor to side) 11`1 x 8`10 (3.38m x 2.70m), wood-effect laminated floor, radiator, two built-in double wardrobe cupboards, uPVC double glazed window
BATHROOM (Ground Floor) 9`9 x 3`9 (2.99m x 1.16m), timber-panelled bath with telephone-style mixer taps and wall-mounted Triton shower unit and attachment over, pedestal wash hand basin, low-level wc, tiled walls, tiled floor, extractor fan, radiator, two uPVC double glazed windows
WET ROOM 11`1 x 3`10 (3.38m x 1.19m), tiled shower area with wall-mounted shower unit and attachment, double radiator, low-level wc, wall-mounted wash hand basin, uPVC double glazed window, extractor fan
STAIRS TO LANDING access to loft space, eaves storage cupboard, built-in double storage cupboard
BEDROOM 3 14`7 maximum x 12`7 narrowing to 6`5 (4.45m maximum x 3.83m narrowing to 1.95m), L-shaped, wood-effect laminated floor, uPVC double glazed Velux window, eaves storage cupboard, radiatorpan
BEDROOM 4 12`8 x 8`5 narrowing at one end to 6`3 (3.86m x 2.59m narrowing at one end to 1.91m), wood-effect laminated floor, uPVC double glazed Velux window, radiator
REAR GARDEN 50ft. x 40ft, paved patio, steps up to area laid to lawn, timber panel fencing, timber garden shed, shrub borders
FRONT block-paved driveway with parking for between five and seven cars leading to
STORE ROOM (former garage) 17`10 x 8`1 (5.45m x 2.48m), power and light, door to front